About Phart

We are the first true online thrift store.

All clothes have been rescued from the waste stream with the goal of giving new life to something destined for a landfill.

We at PhartClothes believe that clothes are a right, and that clothes should be affordable and available no matter where you are

Our prices are capped at $10 for shirts, $15 for sweatshirts, and $20 for sweaters, outerwear, and bottoms - no matter the market price! We are reseller friendly :)

We at PhartClothes believe that no clothes should ever be thrown away - a change from the traditional thrift stores.

All of our clothes have been saved from being landfilled or shipped overseas for someone else to deal with, as they are purchased at a textile warehouse (where all the traditional thrift store corporations send their "garbage").

Phart Clothes has currently rehomed over 4,000 pounds of clothing/textiles (2+ tons) and we have no plans of stopping.

We at PhartClothes, or People Have A Right To Clothes, Inc., are a nonprofit based in Indiana, organized and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes with a purpose to reduce textile waste in the world, to provide clothing at affordable prices, and to educate how to be more sustainable and environmentally sound.

@PhartClothes #PhartClothes